The Clean Effect

What is the Clean Effect? 

The Clean Effect is the extraordinary phenomenon that occurs when you have your home professionally cleaned. The feeling of relief, excitement, and motivation soon positively impacts other areas of your life. Here’s an overview of the Clean Effect process and how it benefits you and your family.

You Feel So Much Relief

The first step in the Clean Effect is an overwhelming sense of relief. It’s as though you took off a nagging, heavy weight from your shoulders and can breathe a little easier. You’re moving a little lighter and smiling a little more. You take a big breath and sigh.

mom hugging her son

You Are So Excited

Coming home after  your first cleaning, you are soon filled with excitement. Suddenly, you’re giddy at having a home that sparkles and smells so good! Your mind begins to come alive with ideas on what to do with your free time. You become motivated to tackle other projects that have been parked on your To-Do list. 

Chelsi from Google says, “It was so nice coming home to a home and looked and smelled cleaned!”

mom and child hugging

Your Home Atmosphere Improves

Your lighter, more excited, and happier demeanor is contagious. Your family and friends notice your more upbeat attitude and soon become more upbeat themselves. The peace that you feel helps your family members feel more peaceful and happy as well. 

Ricky from Google says, “Our house was a mess and they cleaned for hours. It smells amazing, it is organized.”

organized drawer

You Tackle Home Projects

You start taking on home projects like organizing closets, clearing out your garage, painting the living room. Now, your home is more organized and you feel even more accomplished and motivated. 

Lissa says, “Having it cleaned like this will now help me sort through things, get rid of what we don’t need and store/organize what stays. I would spend my weekends trying to “deep clean” one room at a time and I was exhausted from working then coming home and seeing the mess. It just felt so overwhelming for my whole family. This was a HUGE help to us and worth every penny!”

family outside playing soccer

You Move More

Now that you have more time from having a cleaned and organized home, you will want to venture out to do activities with friends and family. You will move more, making you feel more energetic and motivated to continue being active. 

Our client Melinda says, “We are an on the go family. We have projects going on around the house at all times. We definitely aren’t cleaning before the house cleaners come. They provide excellent services without any judgement.”

woman sitting at desk with computer

You Can Focus More on What Matters

Studies show that a cluttered home causes stress and is distracting as the focus of your attention is centered on tasks you need to get done. With a clean and organized home, you can focus more at home and at work, making you more productive and reducing anxiety. 

Alyssa from Google says, “I was struggling in my own home. Now I feel in more control of my place, able to straighten up easily, and I look forward to every time they come!”

Bryan – College Station, TX – Are You Ready for the Clean Effect? 

Although it may seem a little anecdotal, we believe The Clean Effect is a common phenomena with our clients. We often hear from our clients the effects mentioned above, and we would love for you to experience The Clean Effect for yourself! Give us a call or book online in less than 60 seconds. Let the clean cycle begin!

Are you Bryan-College Station, TX or surrounding areas? We are ready to provide outstanding cleaning services for you! Complete the form below and we’ll get to work for you.

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Amanda is the founder and owner of H&R Cleaning, a thriving cleaning company she established more than a decade ago armed with just a vacuum and a handful of flyers. Today, Amanda leads a dedicated team of 17 highly skilled cleaning technicians, serving 357 recurring clients. With an impressive track record of 6,900 households cleaned, Amanda aims to improve the lives of her fellow residents in Bryan/College Station, Texas by promoting a healthier, cleaner, and happier home life.